Friday, July 26, 2024

Do Females Have A Prostate Gland

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Diagnosis Of Enlarged Prostate Gland And Urinary Problems

Sex and Prostate Health: What Men and Women Need to Know for Optimal Prostate Health!

If you are troubled by urination problems, see a doctor no matter what your age. If your doctor agrees that your symptoms need further evaluation and treatment, you may need to undergo a few tests.These may include:

  • general examination medical history and review of any health conditions including obesity, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnoea, depression and erectile dysfunction. A rectal examination may be done to check the size and shape of your prostate gland
  • a urine check to ensure the prostate is not infected
  • a flow-rate check to estimate the speed with which you pass urine
  • an ultrasound examination to assess if the bladder is emptying completely and to examine your kidneys
  • urodynamics a series of tests on the bladder to see how your urinary system is functioning may be recommended in some circumstances.

What Is The Actual Purpose Of Prostate In Female Body

Many experts believe that prostate in female body use to release some kind of fluid. This fluid appears thick, scanty and has whitish color while containing PSA. Note that, female ejaculation is actually not a part of orgasm and frequency of this has be estimated somewhere around 10 to 54 percent.

During few recent years, medical professionals have taken help from MRIs to detect the presence as well as functionality of female prostate. However, the research should be continued ahead to make ideas more clear but the basic understanding have obtained a boost with this initiative. You might be aware of the fact that prostate gland in males use to store infections inside body. Several studies around the world reveal that Skenes glands also serve the similar kind of function.

Now, it is already clear that skenes glands use to release some fluid during sexual activity and it use to be of watery in appearance. As per one detailed study published in 2007, this fluid that is excreted into the tract from Skene s Duct use to be consistent with the prostate fluid but it is not observed to have consistency with urine.

Are There Any Natural Methods To Prevent It

There is good news for men who dont like medication. There are natural ways to prevent prostate cancer. Any man can use them, regardless of his race.

1. Ginger

First of all is ginger, an amazing antimicrobial herb. It reins in cancerous cells when taken regularly. You can drink it as a raw juice or with honey.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes may also prevent cancer. They have the antioxidant Lycopene, which stops it in its tracks. Of course, you can use them in many dishes.

3. Pomegranate

Furthermore, there is a pomegranate. Researchers have found that pomegranate extracts can stop cancerous cells from growing.

4. Soy

Another essential ingredient that curbs the spread of cancerous cells is soy. Soyfoods contain phytoestrogens which prevent the release of testosterone. This male hormone is whats responsible for cancerous cells growing in the prostate.

The Cancer Council in Australia states that scientists found that people in Asia eat more soy. They went on a quest to find out if there were links between eating soy and prostate cancer. Men in Asian countries, who generally ate more soy, had lower rates of the disease. This study has the same findings.

5. Green Tea

Green tea is another ingredient that can help in checking this cancer. It has polyphenols that stop cancerous cells from growing. Note that prostate cancer rates in Japan, where green tea is a staple, is 67% less than in America.

6. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

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What A High Psa Level Means If Its Not Prostate Cancer

Other important components of prostatic fluid include an enzyme called prostatic acid phosphatase, citric acid, zinc, spermine and prostatic inhibin .

During an orgasm, prostate muscles squeeze the gland’s stored fluid into the urethra, where it mixes with the sperm cells and other semen components.

This expulsive process also helps propel the semen out of the body during ejaculation.

Female Prostate Cancer: Do Women Have A Prostate And Is Cancer Possible

Do women have a prostate?

Researchers have discovered that the Skene glands share some of the same properties as the male prostate, which is located between the bladder and the penis. For example, both the prostate and the Skene glands contain prostate-specific antigen and PSA phosphatase , which are enzymes that can indicate the health of the prostate in males.

The discovery that these glands have similarities has led to the use of the term female prostate.

So, in a sense, females do have prostates, and female prostate cancer is technically possible. It is, however, extremely rare.

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Where Is The Prostate And What Does It Look Like

The prostate is situated between the bladder and penis, just in front of the rectum . It is above the muscles of the pelvic floor.

The urethra, a narrow tube that carries urine and semen out of the body through the penis, runs through the center of the prostate, which weighs less than 1 ounce .

The word “prostate” comes from the Greek word “prostates,” which means “one who stands before,” aptly describing the position of the gland. That is, when viewed from below, the prostate “stands before” the bladder.

Because the rectum is behind the prostate, it is possible to feel the prostate with a finger when inserted through the rectum. The prostate feels elastic because it’s surrounded by a supportive tissue called the stroma, which is made of flexible smooth muscle fibers and connective tissue .

The muscle cells contract during ejaculation, forcing fluid stored in the prostate into the urethra.

How Do You Milk Your Own Prostate Gland

According to Made Man, a man can milk his own prostate gland by lubricating a gloved finger, carefully inserting the finger into the anus, and repeatedly sliding the finger in and out of the anus until semen flows from the penis. Prostate milking provides medical and sexual benefits, according to

Made Man states that it’s important to use a lubricant that is safe for anal intercourse while milking the prostate. Also, the finger should be inserted into the anus very slowly. Once the gloved finger is about an inch deep in the anus, the man should start to make slow circles before curling his finger upward toward the testicles in order to find the prostate, also known as the male G-spot.

Massaging the prostate gland is often a pleasurable experience because of the many nerve endings found in the anus and because of the ejaculation reflex sensation, notes Milking the prostate should always be done carefully in order to avoid accidentally damaging the prostate gland. also notes that men with acute prostatis should refrain from prostate milking because it can lead to blood poisoning. Milking the prostate gland too much can harm the lining of the rectum and cause hemorrhoids.

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Whats The Purpose Of The Female Prostate Gland

Similar to a mans prostate, the Skene glands release a fluid that lubricates the opening of your urethra. Experts theorize that this fluid features antimicrobial properties and protects your urinary tract and bladder from bacterial infections. Its uncertain whether the Skene glands drain into small ducts on either side of your urethra, or into the urethra itself.

The male prostate gland is believed to store infections, keeping them under containment until your body heals itself and can protect other areas from infection. As such, it is speculated that the Skene glands serve the same purpose in women.

So What Is The Prostate Anyway

Women & Prostate Health

Lets cut to the chase. Technically speaking, biological females dont have prostates.

The prostate is, by definition, a walnut-sized gland between the bladder and penis. In biological males, this location places it just in front of the rectumhence all of the anal toys out promising prostate stimulation.

Now that THATs clarified, end of story, right? Not quite.

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Prostate Cancer In Women

Now that the question of do women have prostates? Have been answered a little bit we will discuss the prostate cancer in detail. Just because the Skenes glands are referred these days as the prostate glands so the cancer of these skenes glands is also known as the prostate cancer. 0.003% of the female urinary tract cancers are found out to be the prostate or Skenes glands cancer women. This cancer can develop either on its own or by cancer in some nearby gland or organ. Following are some of the symptoms of the prostate cancer in women

  • Blood in urine and this may not be painful
  • Painful urination
  • Sexual intercourse can be painful
  • Pressure behind pubic bones
  • Abnormal menstrual cycle

So these are the symptoms that can be the warning sign of the prostate cancer in the women. In case if you have these symptoms you must get it diagnosed immediately because this cancer can be easily treated when its in the early stage. Radiations and surgery can be used against cancer.

Four Key Mistakes To Avoid If You Are Diagnosed With Low

Here are key mistakes Dr. Hu has identified

  • Mistake: Automatically opting for treatment when you have low-risk prostate cancer. Even though treatment for low-risk prostate cancer is generally not recommended, in the recent study, more than 85% of the men with low-risk prostate cancer chose to have some sort of treatment. The most common treatment was radiation therapy , and the second most common was surgery . Just 15% opted to skip treatment. The good news is that, as the study went on, there was a trend toward a greater percentage of men opting for active surveillancea trend that has accelerated according to recent surveys. However, Dr. Hu thinks too many men are still missing out on this proven approach.
  • Mistake: Choosing active surveillancebut not doing follow-up tests. According to the results of this study, fewer than 5% of the men who skipped treatment complied with recommended monitoring. They had fewer office visits, and fewer repeat PSA tests, compared with men who had some form of active treatmentand only 13% underwent a second biopsy within two years, as recommended.

Also Check: Do Females Have Prostate Cancer

Similarities Between Female Prostate And Male Prostate

According to the research that has been going on about do women have prostates, there are few similarities in the male prostate gland and female Skenes glands and this is why these skenes glands can be known as the female prostate. The major similarity is the presence of the prostate-specific antigen in the prostate glands of male and in the Skenes glands of the female.

Another reason is the presence if the prostate-specific antigen phosphatase in the both of these glands. Apart from the presence of the PSA and PSAP, there is yet another similarity which is the opening of these glands ducts in the urethra. The ducts of the prostate glands open in the urethra while the ducts of the Skenes glands in the women also open in the urethra near the region of G spot. So these findings somehow answer our question of do women have prostates or not?

Touching Your Prostate With Your Finger

Do women have a prostate?
  • 1See a trained professional if you want your prostate medically examined. Medical professionals do not recommend prostate self-exams. An untrained finger is unlikely to accurately recognize signs of problems, and there is a small but not inconsequential risk of damage to the rectum or prostate.XResearch source
  • Talk to your primary care doctor to determine if you should have a DRE to check your prostate.
  • Check your prostate if youre older than 40, have a high risk for prostate cancer, or if you have symptoms of an enlarged or infected prostates.
  • If you want to access your prostate for sexual pleasure, take all the precautions described in this article and work very slowly and gently.
  • 2Take a shower and clean between the cheeks thoroughly. Use soap, water, and a soft washcloth to clean the area as best you can, then rinse it out thoroughly with clean water from the shower. The cleaner you feel up there, the less self-conscious youre likely to be when the time comes to insert your finger.
  • Dont use a rough washcloth or brush, scrub too vigorously, or try to clean deep into your rectum. You may damage the sensitive tissue in the area. Just accept that its not possible to get this area 100% clean.
  • Even when youre accessing your own rectum, its best to play it safe and wear a glove.
  • If you wear a ring on the index finger youll be using, remove it.
  • Your entire index finger should be fully coated from the tip down to at least the middle knuckle.
  • Read Also: Does An Enlarged Prostate Affect A Man Sexually

    Facts You Should Know About Female Prostate Or Skenes Glands

    Skenes Gland is also well known as periurethral, lesser vestibular, or paraurethral gland. One more popular name for this term is female prostate that is generally located either on the upper most wall of vagina or may be found at lower end of urethra. Note that, these glands are developed with same cells that are present in male prostate and they are believed to eject some fluid during female ejaculation process.

    These glands are observed to drain inside the urethra as well as the area close to urethral openings. They are actually surrounded by a special type of tissue that is observed to be a part of clitoris that uses to extend up to vagina. Whenever females have sexual intercourse then this area faces some swelling and releases some orgasm that is commonly known by the name of G-Spot.

    From last several years, professionals are indulged in a tough debate about the ejaculation process in females where it is still a big question that whether it actually exists or not. As per the popular studies carried in year 2002 by Emanuele Jannini, it was proven that there are several women that dont even have skenes glands.

    It directly leads to an complicated situation where as per earlier studies if Skenes glands are one of the major cause behind ejaculation and also leads to g-spot organisms then if few women dont even have this part in their body then how the differences will be covered.

    Can You Live Without A Prostate

    You can live without a prostate, though there are some side-effects.

    The prostate is removed to prevent the spread of prostate cancer, while it might also be removed because it has enlarged through normal ageing and is putting pressure on the uretha .

    A prostatectomy is the removal of all or part of a prostate, with the most common procedure being the transurethral resection of the prostate .

    Laser prostatectomies are also performed which is the least invasive type of removal.

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    What Is The Risk Of Prostate Cancer In Trans Women

    We dont know the exact risk of prostate cancer in trans women.

    As in cis men, most cases of prostate cancer in trans women have been in those aged over 50 years.

    In cis men, being black or having a family history of prostate cancer increases your risk of getting prostate cancer. Although we dont have evidence of this in trans women, its likely that these things will increase your risk as well.

    Although the risk of prostate cancer is likely to be low, its important to be aware if youre a trans woman or a non-binary person assigned male at birth because:

    • you might not have any symptoms
    • you might be listed as female on your medical records so a health professional may not start a conversation with you about prostate problems
    • your PSA levels are likely to be lower if you are taking feminising hormones so may not be a reliable sign of prostate problems.

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    Female prostate – yes it’s real // video #7
    • The prostate gland is a male reproductive organ that produces fluids to feed and protect sperm cells.
    • Many men experience urinary changes as they age. In many cases, these changes do not need specific treatment.
    • When urinary changes cause problems, they can be treated successfully by lifestyle changes, medication, surgery or a combination of the three.
    • For problems such as blood in the urine, pain on urination, inability to urinate or uncontrollable urine flow, see your doctor promptly.

    Don’t Miss: Perineural Invasion Prostate Cancer

    Diagnosis And Treatment Of Female Prostate Cancer

    Due to the challenges of diagnosis, the signs of female prostate cancer are often mistakenly attributed to underlying conditions in the urinary tract or reproductive system.

    Unfortunately, the initial stage of cancer in the Skene glands is asymptomatic. Once your menstrual cycle is disrupted, sex becomes painful, or youre always feeling sick, the disease is quite advanced.

    Treatment of female prostate cancer follows a similar strategy to that of other reproductive cancers. If chemical and radiation therapies arent successful in eradicating tumors, then surgery will likely be required to excise them. Frequently, the surgical removal of larger tumors and the chemical destruction of smaller tumors happen simultaneously.

    In more severe cases, the organ or organs containing the cancerous growths must be removed as well. This could include your Skene glands, uterus, ovaries, or your entire reproductive system . Whenever cancer in the Skene glands goes undiagnosed and untreated, bladder cancer may follow.

    Medical experts have theorized that female prostate cancer could be linked to a history of sexually transmitted infections. The Skene glands, like the male prostate, act as guardians against infections that travel throughout the reproductive system.

    Symptoms Of Urinary Problems

    Urinary symptoms commonly experienced with prostate problems include:

    • the need to urinate frequently during the night
    • urinating more often during the day
    • urinary urgency the urge to urinate can be so strong and sudden that you may not reach the toilet in time
    • the urine stream is slow to start
    • urine dribbling for some time after finishing urination
    • a sensation that the bladder isn’t fully emptied after urination
    • lack of force to the urine flow, which makes directing the stream difficult
    • the sensation of needing to go again soon after urinating.

    Although these symptoms often do not need treatment, see your doctor if they are causing you difficulty, as they can be successfully treated.

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