Friday, July 26, 2024

Prostate Surgery Ruined My Life

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What Is Greater Boston Urology

Radiation vs. Surgery for Prostate Cancer | Ask a Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Founded in 2010, Greater Boston Urology is an integrated urology practice. This medical model allows the practice to pool resources, which leads to moreand betteroptions for patients, such as 3D MRI/ultrasound fusion biopsy, high-intensity focused ultrasound , and molecular marker studies, to name just a few. GBU has assembled a team of Read Greater Boston’s Bio

What Do We Know About Potency After A Robitic Prostatectomy

The return of potency is dependent on several factors:

  • Previous sexual function before surgery. Unfortunately, robotic prostatectomy will at best return you to your level of sexual function pre-surgery. It will not improve upon what you already had before surgery.
  • Age. Theyounger you are, the better your chances. Men under 65 have abetter chance of regaining potency, or erectile function than those over 65.
  • How many nerves are spared. As discussed previously, ideally both nerves can be spared and thiswill give you the highest chance of regain erections. However,even men with no nerve sparing can regain erectile function.

A New Treatment Option For Bph

Experts at University Hospitals now offer a new, minimally invasive approach to treat BPH called UroLift®.

Instead of removing prostate tissue, this procedure implants a device that pulls the prostate away from the urethra on both sides and holds it in place. This widens the urethra and restores normal urine flow.

Its like opening a curtain, says UH urologist Irina Jaeger, MD.

This procedure is a nice alternative, because the side effects are very minimal, it can be done in the doctors office in 15 minutes or less and very little sedation is required, she says. And the results are pretty instant.

UroLift®has been in use for six years. Studies have shown that the procedure is safe, effectively relieves symptoms and does not affect sexual function.

The only side effects are a little irritation immediately after the procedure. Patients are typically back to their normal routines within a day or two.

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Sexuality And Feeling Good About Your Body

Prostate cancer treatment can often affect sexual function. Learning to be comfortable with your body during and after prostate cancer treatment is a personal journey, one that is different for everyone. Information and support can help you cope with these changes over time. Learn more in Sex and the Man With Cancer.

Keeping Health Insurance And Copies Of Your Medical Records

Prostate Cancer Myths Debunked in Male ~ A Common Man With Common Thoughts

Even after treatment, its very important to keep health insurance. Tests and doctor visits cost a lot, and although no one wants to think of their cancer coming back, this could happen.

At some point after your cancer treatment, you might find yourself seeing a new doctor who doesnt know your medical history. Its important to keep copies of your medical records to give your new doctor the details of your diagnosis and treatment.

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My Life Has Changed So Much For The Better

Condition: BPH Treatment: Greenlight Laser PVP Name: Mr B, Liverpool

Things came to a head when after being diagnosed with BPH and prescribed Tamulosine and Finasteride, I suffered an episode of urine retention. Having been admitted to hospital, it was decided that I would need to self catheterise three times per day. After about six months and feeling I was going nowhere as regards my condition, after speaking with my consultant I was offered to go on a waiting list for Urolift or Taup . I researched both procedures and neither was acceptable to me. I had read in the Daily Mail about Rezum – a procedure which was not invasive and recovery was quick.

I contacted Urology Partners and was fortunate to be able to have a conversation with Professor Hindley which was both encouraging and informative. At my initial consultation, my preference was for Rezum, but on examination Professor Hindley established that my prostate was too large, and that Greenlight Laser was more suitable in my case. I had already researched this procedure and was ready to receive it if Rezum was unsuitable for me. I had my pre operation tests that same afternoon and was back on the road to Liverpool, all in a few hours.On the day of the procedure, I was shown to my comfortable room at the Hampshire Clinic and I saw Professor Hindley, the anaesthetist, and urology specialist nurse Anita Purver.

What Is A Radical Prostatectomy And Why Would You Choose To Have One

Radical prostatectomy is one of many choices for men whose prostate cancer still comes out to be localized to the prostate. This procedure involves the complete removal of the cancer. The moment your prostate is removed, the urologist can advise how advanced the cancer is, if you are in danger of recurrence, and if you need any further treatment. It is very easy to track men who have been through radical prostatectomy to see if their cancer is over.

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Im An Oncologist Who Treats Prostate Cancer For Many Patients And Their Manhood The Cure Seems Worse Than The Disease

As an oncologist who specializes in prostate cancer, my treatments often work extremely well. Most of my patients have lived for years, even decades, after their diagnosis. They often die of something other than their cancer. But my treatments often have a unique side effect: They cause men to feel less like a man. And for many men, that is worse than the cancer itself.

One afternoon I saw an older man who was diagnosed with prostate cancer years ago. After having his prostate removed, he had enjoyed nearly a decade of being cancer free.

But upon checking his labs, I noticed that the prostate-specific antigen a blood marker of prostate cancer had quadrupled over the past few months. His prostate cancer was probably back.

I explained to him that it was lucky we had caught this before his disease had spread to his bones or liver. I began to explain to him the therapy I was going to use to beat back his cancer.

Its called androgen deprivation therapy, I said, but you can call it hormone therapy. It would cause him to experience hot flashes, fatigue and decreased sex life. But it could ensure that he never died of his cancer.

He seemed much more disappointed than when he entered. He was the sole breadwinner, the man of his house. He enjoyed a healthy sex life with his partner a sex life that took years to recover after his prostate was removed many years ago.

I didnt know Id feel like such crap, he said.

My Experience With Prostate Surgery

Fixing Urinary Leakage After Prostate Cancer Surgery | Ask A Prostate Expert, Mark Scholz, MD

Im 44 years old & got diagnosed with prostate cancer on November 2015.i was a T1 as the cancer was all in my prostate so I got robotic surgery to remove it, end of or so I thought.

I got told I was free of cancer & was over the moon then 6 weeks later I got called back.apparently my prostate was stuck to my bladder so they removed the prostate, part of my bladder, my thyroids plus the cancer spread into my bladder hence I had to go for 10 weeks of radical radiotherapy & it broke me.

How can something like this happen as I’m sure somebody has made a big surgical mistake as I’m still wearing pads 3 years on even though they said 6 months at best & I’m still having erectile dysfunction.I want answers & compensation as all this has ruined my life as I put all the weight on that I worked very hard to lose. I lost my girlfriend, my job & now have severe mental health & anxiety issues plus I’ve tried to take my own life twice.

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Urology Partners Were First Class

Condition: Kidney Stones Treatment: Surgical removal of kidney stones Name: Mr B, Hampshire

Getting rapid access to kidney stones treatment isn’t always easy. In this video, our patient – a super fit dad – was able to get his stones treated within 24 hours and allow him to carry on his planned trip for the weekend.

Treatment: Rezum Name: Mr O, Surrey

Richard Hindley’s patient shares his journey on getting to Rezum treatment and how it transformed his everyday life

Am I Too Old To Have Prostate Surgery

How old is too old to have a radical prostatectomy?

William D. DeWolf, M.D., Chief of the Division of Urology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, says:

For surgery to make sense that is, for the benefits to outweigh the risks you need to be young enough to take advantage of the added survival time that surgery can offer. Thats why I generally dont recommend this surgery for a man whose life expectancy is less than 10 years, or for a man who is older than 75, depending on his personal and family health history.

Radical prostatectomy is a major operation that can cause serious and life-threatening complications such as blood clots in the legs and lungs, abnormal heart rhythms, heart attack, pneumonia, and infections. The risk increases in older men and in those with other medical conditions, such as heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, or a history of blood clots. Some studies have shown that side effects, namely urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, also increase with age.

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Life After A Radical Prostatectomy: A Real

Reposted from Greater Boston Urology.

In October of 2013, Les Cavicchi underwent a radical prostatectomythe removal of the prostate gland. Les had been diagnosed with prostate cancer a month earlier after undergoing a TRUS biopsy.

Less cancer was localized, meaning it was contained within the prostate gland itself. He didnt need further treatment for prostate cancer after the surgery, only regular monitoring of his PSA.

However, Les did suffer from common side effects associated with radical prostatectomies, specifically urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction.

Q: So lets get right to it: You were dealing with incontinence after your radical prostatectomy?Les: The thing about any kind of prostate procedure is youve got to deal with incontinence. This was a big issue for me for a while. I had purchased padded undergarmentsa whole case of them, because I didnt know how long this was going to last.

Men wonder why this particular side effect happens. The prostate gland is the primary organ for controlling urinary flow in normal physiology. When you are rising frequently during the night, and/or having difficulty starting urination, these are signs that the prostate is beginning to grow in size and interfere with this specific function. Every mans prostate gets larger with age it does not necessarily have anything to do with having cancer. It is a separate reality.

Women dont have a prostate. What do they use? Kegel muscles!

About Greater Boston Urology

What Advice Would You Give To A Patient Who Wants To Keep The Risk Of Surgical Complications As Low As Possible

Video reveals horrifying truth of what happens to your body without sex ...

There are some things that patients cant control, such as their age, their baseline functionality, or the nature of their cancer. But they can control the treatment choices they make. Patients should be aware that some cancers are found so early that immediate treatment is not necessary, and these tumors can be monitored closely through an approach called active surveillance a method weve pioneered very successfully here at MSK.

For patients opting to undergo radiation therapy or surgery, its critical to know the outcomes of the individual doctor. Its well established that surgeons or radiation oncologists who specialize in a specific treatment and do a high number of procedures have better outcomes.

These therapies are very effective. Its always a balance between removing the cancer and trying to preserve function, and the balance is different for each person because each cancer is different. One of the benefits of places like MSK is that we have experts who can help guide patients in regaining urinary and erectile function.

Ultimately its all about finding a surgeon or a radiation oncologist with whom you feel comfortable someone who sets realistic expectations based on your situation as a patient.

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Find The Best Surgeon You Can Get It Done Right

Radical prostatectomy is a very difficult operation. It takes not only skill, but the kind of expertise you get only after being involved in a lot of procedures, first from the sidelines as a doctor in training, and then learning how to do it meticulously with the guidance of an expert surgeon.

The very best prostate surgeons specialize in the prostate. Thats often all they do, and they do a lot of these procedures every year.

You dont want to be part of the learning curve.

Another point: Because there are so many bad surgeons out there, you cant trust everything you read on the internet or from hospitals propaganda.

Our goal is to weed out the bad surgeons, so they stop doing procedures they arent skilled enough to do.

As for you, well, this is your one shot at this. Do your due diligence. How can you find the right surgeon? We have developed this checklist with the help of three experts. Please. Take the following things into consideration before you go under the knife:

What You Can Do Now

Sexual side effects from prostate cancer treatment are often temporary, especially if your doctor used nerve-sparing surgery. While your body recovers, you can try a few things to maintain your sex life:

  • Let your doctor know about any sexual problems youre having right away. Although it can be hard to talk about sex, being open and honest will help you get the treatment you need.
  • See a therapist. Couples therapy can help you and your partner understand and deal with sexual issues.
  • Take care of yourself by exercising, eating a well-balanced diet, reducing stress, and getting enough sleep. Looking and feeling your best will give your self-esteem and mood a boost.

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A New Option For Men With Enlarged Prostate

Men suffering with symptoms from an enlarged prostate could be offered a new type of nonsurgical treatment thanks to changes in NICE guidance.

25 April 2018

NICE the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has for using Prostate Artery Embolisation as a treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the medical term used to describe a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate. Symptoms like needing to pass urine more frequently, trouble starting to urinate and loss of bladder control affect more than a third of men over the age of 50.

There are a number of current treatments for an enlarged prostate including medication or surgery. However, these treatments can have side effects and do not suit all patients.

PAE offers an alternative option. It blocks the blood supply to the prostate with small particles, which causes the prostate tissue to shrink and die. It can be performed under local anaesthetic, which will help patients who cannot tolerate general anaesthetic. And it can be done as a day case, which will mean the patient does not need to be admitted to hospital.

NICE first looked at PAE in 2013, but felt that more research was required to determine whether the procedure was effective and safe.

In light of this study and other new evidence, NICE has updated its guidance. It now says PAE can be offered to patients. The procedure should be carried out by an interventional radiologist with specific training and expertise.

Too Close For Comfort: The Effects Of Radical Prostatectomy On Intimacy

Which is Better – Surgery vs. Radiation for Prostate Cancer?

Dr Charles Mooney,CopyrightTrop proches pour être bien: les effets de la prostatectomie radicale sur lintimité

The personal effects of prostatectomy on intimacy and sexual satisfaction as seen through the eyes of a professional couple have not previously been expressed in the literature. We believe that because of our unique situation we can provide a few concrete recommendations for family physicians as they relate to patients and their spouses before and after surgery.

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Once I Get Home What Should I Expect After Radical Prostatectomy

Several weeks after your surgery you will be feeling tired . Take it easy and get a lot of rest. You will need a diet with enough protein and iron, and physical activity

  • Most men need analgesics before activity and before going to bed. They usually take about 20 minutes to work. If your pain does not go away, call your urologist
  • Drink at least two to three liters of liquid each day and monitor the color of the urine in the catheter tubing . The urine must be normal or pale yellow. If the color is dark yellow or light red you should drink more uids
  • Do not do any heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for two to four weeks following surgery.
  • Increase your exercise schedule gradually thereafter. Light exercise such as walking, jogging and stretching should be done initially. You can play either tennis or golf, but only after three months from the time you had your surgery
  • If you feel comfortable, you can increase your activity. For six weeks avoid abdominal exercise and cycling on an upright bicycle. It is important that you do exercise that you feel comfortable with. Avoid any kind of activity which leads to pain
  • Very soon after the radical prostatectomy surgery, the doctor recommended you start drinking fluids and eating solid food. You will be starting with vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. Regarding how much water you should drink per day, you can choose 2 litres
  • Avoid caffeinated beverages

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