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Are Tomatoes Good For Prostate

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Lung Function And Tomatoes

Can Eating Tomatoes Prevent Prostate Cancer? | Super Foods: The Real Story

Not only the prostate gland is helped; researchers found a close relationship between lung function and tomatoes; again the carotene lycopene was found to be the active agent preventing the decline in lung function over a ten year period. This was even more clear in ex-smokers.

Apples and bananas also helped.

Lung function is a good predictor of mortality in the general population, in both those with lung disease and those who have never smoked. Lycopene in tomatoes has an important protective effect by reducing inflammation in the lining of the lungs.

Healthy Fats Cut Risk

The Harvard study involved about 4,500 men who were diagnosed with early-stage, nonmetastatic prostate cancer, meaning it had not yet spread beyond the prostate gland to other parts of the body. Researchers knew what the men ate thanks to detailed food surveys that every study participant filled out periodically.

Men who ate the most vegetable fats were less likely to develop the more lethal form of prostate cancer, compared with men with diets richer in animal fats. Most of the vegetable fats came from oils in salad dressings and nuts.

Does that mean that something in vegetable fats helped to keep the cancers in check? We cannot really answer that question based on this study, although vegetable fats do contain substances that could, hypothetically, help to keep cancer in check by suppressing cell damage and inflammation.

Another possibility is that the men benefited from what they were eating less of, which is carbohydrates. Men who replaced 10% of their total calories from carbohydrates with calories from vegetable oils were 29% less likely to die from prostate cancer over eight years of follow-up.

Does this mean that low-carb diets fight cancer? Again, we can’t be sure. The study tells us that men who eat the most vegetable fats, as opposed to animal fats and carbs, are at lower risk of developing lethal cancer. It does not tell us why.

Are Tomatoes Good For Reducing Prostate Cancer Risk

Researchers across the world have done several observational studies to evaluate the association between consumption of tomato, tomato products or lycopene and prostate cancer risk. Examples of some of these studies and their inference on whether tomatoes are good for reducing prostate cancer risk are mentioned below.

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Study By School Of Medicine Zhejiang University In China Impact Of Tomatoes On Prostate Cancer Risk

In a study published in 2016, the researchers from School of Medicine, Zhejiang University in China,; evaluated the association between tomato consumption and prostate cancer risk.; Data for the study was obtained from 24 published studies with 15,099 cases based on literature search in PubMed and Web of Science databases till June 2016.

The study found that tomato intake may be associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. The study also mentioned that significant protective effects were observed in Asian and Oceania populations, but not in other geographical populations.

Tomatoes Don’t Prevent Prostate Cancer

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Study Shows That Lycopene Doesn’t Cut Risk of Prostate Cancer

May 17, 2007 — The news that tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer sounded too good to be true, and apparently it was.

Lycopene, found mainly in tomatoes and tomato products, had little impact on prostate cancer risk in a new study from the National Cancer Institute and Seattle’s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

Early research suggesting a protective role for lycopene spurred great commercial and public interest in the antioxidant in the late 1990s.

But subsequent studies have been either contradictory or inconclusive, Fred Hutchinson assistant professor and researcher Ulrike Peters, PhD, MPH, tells WebMD.

The new research, led by Peters, is one of the largest and most rigorously designed trials ever to examine the issue. And the lycopene findings were unequivocal.

“It would be great if it were true. would be a cheap and easy way to lower prostate cancer risk, and it would be a great public health message,” Peters says. “Unfortunately, it’s not that easy.”

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Tomatoes Could Ease Night

17:07 EDT, 7 June 2013 | Updated:

An antioxidant has been found in tomatoes which reduces the enlargement of the prostate caused by age

Tomatoes have already been credited with a host of health benefits and now another one can be added to the list.

Lycopene, the antioxidant which makes tomatoes red, has been found to reduce age-related enlargement of the prostate and thereby pressure on the bladder.

The revelation will bring comfort to those men troubled by the need to visit the toilet frequently, especially at night.

Tomatoes packed with vitamins, natural anti-inflammatories and other goodies have been previously identified as helping to combat cardiovascular disease, stroke and prostate cancer.;

The latest benefit emerged from research in Queensland, Australia.

A three-month study was carried out into the effect of lycopene in combination with other natural compounds.

A total of 57 men aged 40 to 80 were given pills containing active ingredients or identical dummy tablets. They were not told which ones they were taking.

Study By Researchers In Columbia

In a study published in 2018, the researchers from Columbia evaluated the efficacy of lycopene intake in primary prevention of prostate cancer. The study obtained data from 27 articles including 22 case-control and 5 studies based on a systematic search of the literature published between the years 1990-2015. The case-control studies included 13,999 prostate cancer patients and 22,028 controls and the cohort studies included 187,417 patients out of which 8,619 were diagnosed with prostate cancer.

The study found that high lycopene intake significantly reduced the risk of prostate cancer suggesting improved prostate cancer prevention. However, since most of these findings were from observational studies, the researchers suggested high-quality clinical trials to establish these findings.

Overall, intake of cooked tomatoes, lycopene and tomato products in moderate amounts may be good for reducing the risk of prostate cancer and support prostate cancer prevention. Other studies also suggest that tomatoes or tomato products ingested daily may help in protection from DNA damage, a surrogate endpoint biomarker for prostate cancer.

However, high quality trials are suggested to establish these facts.

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Little Known Foods That A Great For Prostate Health

Prostate health is a major concern for all men as we grow older. One out of every seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and as many as half of all men will experience symptoms of an enlarged prostate by age 60. No matter what your age is, you can make changes to your lifestyle that can have a positive impact on the health of your prostate gland. In order to maintain a healthy prostate, it is absolutely essential for men to make sure that they are eating food that help to promote good prostate health. Below are just a few of some of the most useful fruits and vegetables you can consume to help boost your prostate health.

Impact Of Lycopene On Chemo

How to Fight Prostate Cancer with Tomato and Broccoli | MODEL HEALTH SECRETS

In a study conducted in 2017, the researchers from the Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences in Iran evaluated the effects that lycopene found in tomatoes could have on a specific chemo-induced kidney damage in patients. In a double-blinded randomized trial, by splitting 120 patients into two groups, the researchers found that lycopene may be effective in decreasing the complications due to the specific chemo-induced nephrotoxicity by affecting different markers of renal function.

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Overall Benefits Of Lycopene

It has long been proven that eating five serves of fresh fruit and vegetables each day can improve your health on various levels.

Some believe by increasing your lycopene levels, you can reduce the risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease and some cancers.

As an antioxidant, lycopene is widely recognized as reducing blood LDL cholesterol in human;; however, due to lack of substantial evidence the Food & Drug Administration rejected a request in 2005 by the pharmaceutical industry to allow qualified labeling for lycopene and the reduction of various cancer risks.

The Best Drinks For An Enlarged Prostate

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The risk of prostate problems increases as men age, as the size of their prostate naturally increases. An enlarged prostate can lead to urinary issues, including the need to get up during the night . Its a frustrating situation all around, but thankfully your diet can help. Were not just talking about food either. You should also focus on the best drinks for an enlarged prostate.

After all, the drinks you choose will influence your bathroom habits, so it makes sense that theyre also relevant for your prostate.

Dont stress though. An increase in prostate size is a natural part of aging. While the symptoms are frustrating and perhaps embarrassing, theyre not inherently dangerous. And, if the symptoms do become too much, there are medical approaches that can help.

While were talking about male health, you could also look at testosterone rich foods. These wont necessarily help with your prostate, but theyre still offer many benefits.

  • Alcohol

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Food For The Prostate

For many years I have recommended that men consume cooked tomatoes for their prostate diseases like prostate infections, benign prostate gland enlargement, and even prostate cancer.; I never understood why the tomatoes had to be cooked in order to achieve the benefits of consuming tomatoes.; I have always heard that cooking fruits and vegetables destroys the vitamins because they are heat sensitive.; A recent article in the New York Times explains the mechanism behind cooking the tomatoes in order to achieve the benefit of eating this fruit.; .

Cooking tomatoes decreases the amount of vitamin C.; However, the cooking process increases levels of antioxidants, especially lycopenes, that are easily absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract.; Lycopenes are a carotenoid plant pigment that helps protect the body from free radical damage.; The heat breaks down the cells of the tomatoes and allows some of the carotenoids to be released from the cell walls of the tomato.

Heres the advice from the USDA: boiling has the harshest effect on heat-sensitive nutrients.; Stir-frying or sautéing retains more nutrients than boiling, but if you want to retain the nutrients, steaming and microwaving vegetables may be the optimal cooking methods.; But if you want to take care of your prostate, I suggest you cook your tomatoes because that will increase the antioxidant, lycopenes which have been proven to be helpful for your prostate gland.

Can Certain Foods Lower The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

Are Tomatoes good for Prostate Cancer?

Sundried Tomatoes

  • Lycopene-rich foods: Lycopene is a phytochemical that contributes to the reddish color of certain vegetables. Tomatoes, Watermelon, Guava, Red Peppers, Grape Fruit, and Carrots are a few examples of lycopene-rich foods. ;If you desperately wishing to find more information about lycopene, check out this review article.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages.
  • Allium veggies such as onions, garlic, leeks, scallions, and shallots.
  • Green Tea.
  • Beans and lentils.
  • ;Raisins and Dates .
  • Again, no food can eliminate the risk of prostate cancer entirely, but these foods may offer some protection. You should talk to your doctor about prostate cancer screening, but I can give you the green light to eat more tomatoes.

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    Best Foods For Prostate Health

    We dont often think about the best foods for our prostate health. If it smells right and tastes good, its okay to eat.

    However, studies have shown that lifestyle and diet play an enormous role in mens healthparticularly prostate health. Eating the rights foods is extremely beneficial to have a healthy prostate.

    Regrettably, unhealthy foods are very present in the majority of everyday diets.

    Large amounts of processed food, salty foods, and junk food are the norm.

    These are bad for health generally, but especially for prostate health. They only increase the likelihood of developing prostate diseases and becoming obese.

    Interestingly, the diet recommendations by leading health organizations around the world are the Paleo/Ketogenic diet. Fish, seafood, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils.

    All of these are in the Paleo diet. If youre suffering from prostate issues, we highly recommend you check out the Paleo/Ketogenic diet. It is the best diet for fighting prostate disease, getting fitter, and losing weight.

    Below we list 10 of the best foods that will help improve, support, and sustain prostate health.

    Tomato Sauce Vs Prostate Cancer

    Occasionally, positive things happen in the field of cancer prevention science to popular, good-tasting foods. Yes, broccoli family vegetables are wonderful, but may be a hard food for the public to swallow. By contrast, who doesnt like tomatoes?

    But, studies using high-dose supplements of lycopene, the antioxidant red pigment in tomatoes thought to be the active anticancer ingredient, failed over and over again to prevent or treat cancer, and may even end up promoting itsince at the high levels one can get with supplements, lycopene may actually act as a pro-oxidant. But, lycopene in supplement form doesnt appear to be effective at lower doses, either. There is a strong correlation between the intake of fruit and vegetables and the incidence of certain cancers. But when we supplement with only a single compound isolated in pill form, we may upset the healthy natural balance of antioxidants.

    But, its not about finding the one magic bullet: The anti-cancer effects of carotenoids and other phytonutrients may reside in combined activity. For example, at the low concentrations of the tomato compounds phytoene, phytofluene, and lycopene found in most people who eat normal amounts of tomatoes, theres very little effect on cancer cell growth in vitro, used separately. But combine them all together, and a non-effective dose plus a non-effective dose becomes effective somehow, significantly suppressing prostate cancer cell growth.

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    Foods That Increase Prostate Cancer Risk

    On the flip side, many foods may contribute to the development or spread of prostate cancer. Research shows, for example, that men who consume a lot of red meat may be at higher risk for the disease. One recent study from the University of California, San Francisco, found that intake of grilled or barbecued meat especially well-done beef was linked to twice the risk of aggressive prostate cancer.

    Other meats and processed foods also are more likely to increase the risk of prostate cancer, so try to keep them off your plate. Instead, get your protein through fresh cuts of lean meats, beans, or legumes.

    While low-fat dairy products can be a healthy part of your diet, you may want to take it easy on dairy. Dairy products can contain the same fatty acids found in red meats that may actually increase the risk of prostate cancer.

    Tomatoes And Prostate Cancer

    Tomato Juice For Prostate, Fertility, Vagina Cleansing

    But back in 2003 researchers at Ohio State University had already compared the cancer preventative properties of tomato products with those of lycopene. In prostate cancer prone rats, they found that those fed a diet containing tomato powder took significantly longer to develop the disease, and were 26% less likely to die from prostate cancer compared with those on a “control” diet containing no tomato or lycopene foods. When the rats were fed a diet of lycopene alone, the death rates from prostate cancer were similar to those fed a control diet. Obviously, there is more to the health benefits of tomatoes than just lycopene. Dozens of compounds in tomatoes have physiological activity but lycopene became the glamour boy because it is relatively easily measured and it is an antioxidant. And we have been deluged by the overly simplistic notion that oxidation is at the heart of cancer. In the current study, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center took blood samples from over 28,000 men and eight years later compared blood lycopene levels in those who had developed prostate cancer to those who had not. Like in the previous rat study. they found no protection from lycopene. Unlike the rat study, however, they did not investigate tomato consumption!

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    Tomatoes: The Prostate Cancer

    Until now, the reason why tomatoes were considered to help reduce risk of prostate cancer was because of their high amounts of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may also protect against breast cancer.

    But is it the lycopene itself or the foods that contain it?

    It’s the food, the first head-to-head animal study to compare the cancer-preventing potential of tomato products with those of lycopene shows. This study is in the latest issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

    “In this study, we didn’t see a sign benefit from lycopene alone,” says researcher Steven K. Clinton, MD, PhD, of Ohio State University. “But we did see a significant benefit from tomato products.” Lycopene is now available in supplement form.

    Specifically, in rats made to develop prostate cancer in the laboratory, those who were fed a diet containing tomato powder experienced a longer survival prior to developing cancer and were 26% less likely to die from prostate cancer compared with those on a “control” diet containing no tomato or lycopene foods.

    In rats fed a diet of lycopene alone, the death rates from prostatecancer were similar to those rats fed a control diet. .

    Does this mean that lycopene isn’t worthy of its reputation? Not really.

    “Rather, it suggests that there is more to tomatoes and their health benefits than just lycopene,” Clinton tells WebMD. “We already know that tomatoes contain dozens of potentially biologically active substances .”

    Do Certain Foods Increase The Risk Of Prostate Cancer

    Its not entirely clear which foods increase the risk of prostate cancer. Meat , fatty foods, carbohydrates, eggs, poultry, and milk are all prime suspects, however reports connecting these foods to prostate cancer are inconsistent . Several studies do raise a concern for dairy milk, specifically dairy calcium and protein. Recently, an extensive population study from the UK estimated that a 35g per day increase in dairy protein raises the risk of prostate cancer by 32% . This is the equivalent of drinking 4-5 cups of whole milk daily. If you are really concerned about your risk for prostate cancer, you may consider decreasing your meat and dairy intake.

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